When new developers try to make a google chrome extension they may find it difficult to get a headstart and same was the case for me. I was having real diffculty understanding how chrome extensions work but i finally managed to learn how exactly everything works. So, I decided to post my first tutorial on a simple and easily understandable tutorial on “How to make Chrome Extension to change Design of a webpage”.
This is because most of the developers who want to make chrome extension usually start with the idea that they want to change the shitty design of a particular website. Well, this was the case for me but if you want to do anything else i will not certainly recommend this tutorial to you but for the rest of you, let’s start.
This tutorial is not for providing a step by step guide to how first create a Manifest file, create stylesheets and js folder and i am assuming you all already know that.
In this case i am considering a simple webpage which looks exactly like it is shown below.
The source code for the webpage that concerns us is:
<table height="30" width="750" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td valign="top" width="10" bgcolor=#FFFFFF>
<td valign="top" width="740" bgcolor=#FFFFFF align="center">
<font size=2><b><u>FACULTY PROFILE</u></b></font>
<form name="facprofile">
<table cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 border=0 height="40" width="750" >
<td width="205" height="10"><b>Search By Faculty Name</b></td>
<td height="10"><b>:</b>
<input type="text" class="textbox2" name="faculty" maxlength=30 size="30" tabindex="1">
<input type="button" class="submit3" value="Search" tabindex="1" onclick="showfaculty()">
<span id="txtHint">
We have added 0 in getElementByTagName because it is the first form that we are concerned with.
var f = document.getElementsByTagName(‘form’)[0];
In order to change the design of a webpage we are concerned only with document.createElement and document.setAttribute
So, First create a ‘from’ element and add it’s attribute but here if you want to add your own style in css or sass you can add it by adding a setAttribute id or class.
var form = document.createElement(“form”); form.setAttribute(“name”,”facprofile”); form.setAttribute(“class”,”form-wrapper cf”);
Finally, add the other div’s or table that are needed for example:
var table = document.createElement(“table”); table.setAttribute(“cellpadding”,”1”); table.setAttribute(“cellspacing”,”1”); table.setAttribute(“border”,”0”); table.setAttribute(“height”,”40”); table.setAttribute(“width”,”750”); var tbo = document.createElement(“tbody”); var tr = document.createElement(“tr”); var td = document.createElement(“td”); td.setAttribute(“width”,”205”); td.setAttribute(“height”,”10”); var b = document.createElement(“b”); var t = document.createTextNode(“”); var td1 = document.createElement(“td”); td1.setAttribute(“height”,”10”); var b1 = document.createElement(“b”); var t1 = document.createTextNode(“”);
var inp = document.createElement(“input”); inp.setAttribute(“type”,”text”); //inp.setAttribute(“class”,”textbox2”); inp.setAttribute(“name”,”faculty”); inp.setAttribute(“maxlength”,”30”); inp.setAttribute(“size”,”30”); inp.setAttribute(“tabindex”,”1”);
var inp1 = document.createElement(“input”); inp1.setAttribute(“type”,”button”); //inp1.setAttribute(“class”,”submit3”); inp1.setAttribute(“value”,”Search”); inp1.setAttribute(“onclick”,”showfaculty()”); inp1.setAttribute(“tabindex”,”1”);
In the end you just need to append all the element’s in sequence and in the way you want. so, it would be better if you assign a unique name to elements so that you can easily understand everything.
b1.appendChild(t1); td1.appendChild(b1); td1.appendChild(inp); td1.appendChild(inp1);
b.appendChild(t); td.appendChild(b); tr.appendChild(td); tr.appendChild(td1); tbo.appendChild(tr); table.appendChild(tbo); form.appendChild(inp); form.appendChild(inp1);
After appending all the form elements you just need to append it to parent element i.e. variable f and hide the form that we are changing design for.
f.parentElement.insertBefore(form, f); document.getElementsByTagName(‘form’)[0].style.display = “none”;